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Pregnant woman
The decision to start a family, is often one of the biggest decisions we make, one which can be exciting, challenging and sometimes even a little daunting.
There's a vast range of local and national information and support available, to help you feel more confident and reassured during your pregnancy or if you're trying to conceive.

Local information and support

BirtHWays offer information, support and signposting to help improve your maternity journey in Herefordshire.

Wye Valley NHS Trust provide information on its
maternity services, including a virtual tour of the maternity unit.

National information and support

The Government provide advice about your maternity and paternity rights, along with information on financial assistance and childcare.

NCT (National Childbirth Trust) offer a week by week guide to support you and your partner during your pregnancy, along with information on exercise and fitness, food and nutrition, working, relationships and sex and having another baby.  They also offer antenatal courses and workshops.

​The NHS provide a guide for everything you'll need to know about trying for a baby, pregnancy, labour and birth.

Tommy's offer a comprehensive pregnancy hub, which is full of information and advice to help you have a safe and healthy pregnancy, from conception to birth.

Better Health - Start for Life is NHS advice and guidance to help you have a healthy and happy baby during pregnancy, birth and parenthood.  Better Health - Start for Life support you and your partner throughout your pregnancy and following the birth of your baby.  They offer a week by week guide, along with advice on everything from healthy eating, exercising and vitamins to mental health, alcohol and smoking. They provide valuable information on preparing for labour and birth.  



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