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Bereaved by Suicide Herefordshire

Victim Support have a Bereaved by Suicide service for Herefordshire.  Anyone bereaved by suicide at any point is able to access the service by referring themself in, or they can be referred by an organisation.  It is a bespoke service tailored to the individuals needs and involves bereavement support and relevant signposting.

Practical and emotional support is available just one call or email away. Our service’s caseworker will also be able to help you with dealing with phone calls, letters, or even making funeral arrangements, which includes dealing with police, coroner and media involvement.

The service is free, confidential, and available to residents of Herefordshire of any age. 

The service is available Monday, Tuesday and Friday between 9am and 5pm. Simply call the local number 01432 800867 or email:

Out of hours, support is available 24hrs, 365 days a year from the National Support line on 08 08 16 89 111.

Once you’ve got in touch, our service’s caseworker will be able to tailor support to meet your needs. This could be signposting and information, a call back or a visit to you at home or somewhere else you feel comfortable.  All our help is free and confidential.

Additional information

Provided by: Opening times: Monday 9am-5pm, Tuesday 9am-5pm and Friday 9am-5pm
Autism friendly Children and family friendly Dementia friendly Wheelchair and accessibility friendly
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