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Hereford Men's Mental Health Group

Hereford Men's Mental Health Group (HMMH) is a peer support group for men with, at risk of, or recovering from mental ill health.

The group meet on the second and fourth Monday of every month, on a drop-in basis, between 5:30pm and 7:30pm, at the United in the Community office building at Victoria Park, Hereford HR4 9JU. It’s free of charge and refreshments are provided.

The group gives the opportunity for men to speak freely, without pressure, in a relaxed, social environment.

Men can talk about their experiences with other men who may have faced similar experiences, or just listen, or enjoy a bit of banter.

The group is informal and run by volunteers with lived experiences of mental ill health. 

If you'd like to know more about the group, please email, tweet us at @HMMHgroup or call/text 07376 727280.

Additional information

Provided by: Hereford Men's Mental Health Group Opening times: 5:30pm - 7:30pm Cost: Free
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