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Where I live


Where I live

As we become adults, many of us decide to change where we live.  It is important to think about this as soon as possible, so you can make plans.

Here are some questions you might like to think about...


• Do I want to live on my own?


• Would I need help with anything to live on my own?


• Do I want to stay at home with my family?


• Do I want to live with friends or a partner?


Do I want to live in a town, where there are shops and more things to do?

Do I want to live somewhere that is close to my family and friends?


• What will make me feel safe and happy?


There are lots of different ways of living.  Here are a few for you to think about:

• You can live with your family all the time or for part of the week

•  You can live with another family, where you have your own space and can get support when you need it


• You can live in your own flat with a little support.  This might mean sharing some spaces and activities with other people, who also have a flat in the same building


• Many people prefer to rent somewhere.  You might be able to get help to pay your rent, if it is in your support plan


If you have a support plan and need help to live on your own, you could get some help provided in your home.

There are some places, which provide a supported housing scheme.  You can talk to your Social Worker about this, as they will be able to help you.


Who can you talk to about this?

You can talk to your family or any friends you know, who live on their own.  They can tell you what it is like running your own home and what support you might need.


You can also talk to a Housing Officer at HomePoint, to find out how to register for somewhere to live, by calling 01432 260300.

If you have a support plan, you can also talk to your Social Worker for more help.

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