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Assistive technology websites

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If you'd like to find out more about assistive technology, which can help you remain living independently in your home for longer and keep you safe when you're out and about, please take a look at the following useful websites.

  • Action on Hearing Loss offer a wide range of products for those with hearing loss, such as listening devices, vibrating smoke alarms and phone amplifiers

  • At Dementia provide information on assistive technology devices, which can help people with dementia live more independently

  • Canary Care is a wireless sensor service, which enables you to monitor activity around the home, in order to keep loved ones safe

  • Easylink offer a range of devices to help around the home, including care alarms, medication reminders and GPS tracking devices

  • Just Checking offer an activity monitoring service to help people stay in their own home

  • Lifemax provide a range of equipment for older people, such as flashing doorbells, bath thermometers and talking watches

  • Living Made Easy provide information and advice on a vast range of daily living equipment, including devices which help with household tasks, walking aids and equipment to make getting dressed easier

  • Mick’s House offers a room by room guide to show how telecare can help you remain independent and safe at home

  • Possum offer a wide range of equipment to help people in and around the home, including vibrating pillow pads, heat detectors and monitoring systems

  • RNIB offer a range of devices to help those with visual impairments, including talking mobiles, handheld magnifiers, safety lights and pill organisers

  • Tunstall provide different products and equipment, which aim to balance independence with reassurance, such as fall detectors, medication dispensers and monitoring systems

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