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Falls prevention

An older man resting on a walking stick

Anyone can have a fall, but older people, especially those with a long term health condition, are more vulnerable and likely to fall.

Falls are actually a common, but often overlooked, cause of injury and approximately 1 in 3 adults over 65, who live at home, will have at least one fall a year, with around half of these having more frequent falls.

The majority of falls don’t result in serious injury, however there’s always a risk that a fall could lead to broken bones, which can cause the person to lose confidence, become withdrawn and feel as if they’ve lost their independence.  This is why it’s important to look after your health and wellbeing, as strength and balance can help reduce the risk of falling.

If you’re concerned that you or someone you know, may be at risk of falling, your General Practice Team can often carry out some simple tests to check your balance, along with reviewing any medication you’re taking, which could increase your risk of falling.

Falls prevention guide

Our useful falls prevention guide can help you check if you’re at risk of falling, the steps you can take to look after yourself, both in and out of the home, what to do if you have a fall and the support available.  You can either read through the entire guide in one go or take a look at the individual pages.

An older couple sitting on a swing with the title are you at risk of falling?     Two women holding hands with the title how to reduce your risk of falling    

A kitchen with white cupboards and a wooden dining table with the title staying safe in your home     Yellow painted words on the ground, which say bus stop with the title staying safe when you’re out and about    

An older man participating in an exercise class with other people with the title staying active     A smiling older woman with her daughter with the title what to do if you have a fall    

Wooden blocks which spell out the word support with the title local and national support     A close up of a hand resting on the keyboard of a laptop with the title e-learning courses


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