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Fire safety

The number of accidental fires in people's homes has been reducing over the past ten years; however, there is always a potential risk that an accidental fire could start in the home.

Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue Service (HWFRS) offer a range of fire safety advice to keep you and your family safe, including their Top safety tips

HWFRS offer a FREE Home fire Safety Visit that’s tailored to an individual’s needs. The visit will provide the person with actions and advice to help make their home a safer place and protect them and their household from the risks of fire. It will provide them with a fire escape plan to follow, should the unthinkable happen.  We may also fit smoke alarms and specialist equipment if required.  It will identify any health and care needs that require signposting to local services to help ensure safety and wellbeing.

This service is free of charge.  Their visits are aimed primarily towards those who may be more at risk of a fire in their home, such as older people living alone or people with mobility issues, sensory impairments or additional needs. We are also keen to support if there are concerns around hoarding.

Many referrals for home fire safety visits are made through other agencies, but Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue Service would urge anyone who thinks they or an elderly family member, friend or neighbour might benefit from a visit to get in touch and request one on their behalf.  For more information visit the Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue Service website.

Complete a FREE Online Home Fire Safety Check now or call 0800 032 1155 for further information.

There is also further information about fire safety in the home available on the Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue service website.

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