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Shopping safely online

Shopping on the internet has become part of our normal lives, and for most people, is their go to shopping method. People appreciate the convenience of not having to traipse around the shops and can browse among a huge choice of goods in their own time. However, shopping on the internet can bring its own problems.

Here are some top tips for safer online shopping:

  • Be careful when you give your credit or debit card details on the internet. Always find out whether the company has a secure site
  • Try to trade with well-known companies, or those that you have done business with before, or that have been recommended to you
  • Try to get an actual address and telephone number for a company, not just their email address
  • As with any other type of purchase, shop around for the best deals and prices
  • Watch out for high postage rates and for other hidden costs, such as VAT and other duty payable, particularly if goods are being sent from abroad
  • Remember, goods being sent from abroad may take some time to be delivered. Check with the trader how long this will take, and set a delivery date that you must have them by, if that is important
  • Check what the company's policy is on returning goods that you don't like or have changed your mind about. If they have come from abroad, you may be faced with a hefty postage bill to return them
  • If buying from abroad, remember that if you have problems like faulty goods or non-delivery, it might be very difficult to get your complaint dealt with. Your contract will be in the country where the trader is, and it is harder to take legal action abroad
  • For that reason, only buy very expensive items from companies outside the UK if you know them well - that way, if things do go wrong, you limit the risk
  • Most importantly, print out the order, and keep any terms and conditions that appear on the web site, just in case of any disputes or problems later on

Action Fraud has helpful information on shopping online safely, as well as shopping for deals on through the festive period, such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

Citizens Advice has some useful information in the consumer section of their website as well as top tips to avoid online scams. You can also visit our section on Scams.

Disclaimer: Talk Community Directory has only carried out limited checks on the information providers submit to the website, for example to confirm it's in the appropriate format and all required fields have been completed. Therefore it isn't in a position to know if providers are qualified, licensed or able to meet the needs of individuals, it is the responsibility of each individual to assess if a provider is suitable. Whilst we regularly review our content to try and ensure it is accurate and up to date, we can't guarantee that the information supplied by providers is always current. View full disclaimer