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Funding and grants

A close up photo of lots of pound coins

Funding and grants are an important element of the support available for charities, social enterprises and community groups and can be used for a range of purposes, whether it's to help set you up or expand your activities and services.

If you are successful in applying for funding or grants, it can be combined with other income generation streams, such as fundraising, business trading, donations or legacies, to maximise your financial resources.

There are a large number of funding sources available, at different times of the year, both locally and nationally.

To find a potential funding source for your charity, organisation or community group, take a look at our new grants tool.

Find funding now

Herefordshire funding update

For details about the local grants and funding available, visit our Talk Community funding update website.

This provides information on key funding opportunities available in Herefordshire.

If you've never written a funding bid / application before or it's been a while since you last tried, the fantastic team at NCVO (The National Council for Voluntary Organisations) offer a  free online training course.

The step by step expert guidance can help you write the perfect funding bid, to ensure you stand out from the crowd to successfully secure your funding.

To take the short course (you will need to be registered first), visit the NCVO website.

Disclaimer: Talk Community Directory has only carried out limited checks on the information providers submit to the website, for example to confirm it's in the appropriate format and all required fields have been completed. Therefore it isn't in a position to know if providers are qualified, licensed or able to meet the needs of individuals, it is the responsibility of each individual to assess if a provider is suitable. Whilst we regularly review our content to try and ensure it is accurate and up to date, we can't guarantee that the information supplied by providers is always current. View full disclaimer