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Future care planning

There may come a time in your life when you need to think about the consequences of becoming seriously ill or disabled. This may be at a time of ill health or as a result of a life-changing event. It may simply be because you like to plan ahead.

You may want to take the opportunity to think about what living with a serious illness might mean to you, your partner or your relatives, particularly if you become unable to make decisions for yourself.

Care has never been free and everyone should think about the care they might need in the future. The long term costs of care can be significant, and depending on your circumstances these costs may not be met by the council. It is never too early to start thinking about and planning your care and support needs and their costs

Even if you’re generally fit and healthy and of working age, don’t ignore your future care. If you’re making long-term financial arrangements, you may want to take into account the potential costs of your future care needs. Visit our section on Independent financial advice for further information.

You might also find our section on Looking after your own or someone else’s affairs useful as well as the section on Planning for retirement and Where to get independent financial advice.

Herefordshire Council provides more detailed information about Paying for care.

The NHS also has some information on Planning your future care needs, visit their website for details.

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