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Get support with debt from the community

If you need additional support to cope with debt or financial problems, the following local organisations will be able to help.

Bromyard Food Bank and Money Advice Centre provide free debt advice and support for people who may be struggling with debt or other money concerns. To find out more, call 07434 669103 or e-mail

Citizens Advice Herefordshire provide free information around debt solutions and budgeting.

Ledbury Debt Centre offer free debt advice and support to help people who may be experiencing debt or other money problems. They also offer the free CAP Money Course, which can help teach you money management skills, including budgeting, saving and preventing debt. To find out more or book an appointment, call 0800 328 0006.

Leominster Community Money Advice Connect Centre offer free and confidential advice, to help you consider the different options available if you’re experiencing money worries, you’re in debt or need assistance with budgeting. The service is run by Leominster Food Bank and to book an appointment with a Money Mentor, simply call 07563 000862 or e-mail

South Wye Community Money Advice Centre, based at Putson Baptist Church in Hereford, offer free, confidential advice and practical support for people experiencing money problems, including budgeting and money management skills. To make an appointment, call 01432 345011 or e-mail

Vennture offer a Family Pastor service, which works with families in a non-judgemental way to help them gain the support they need to make changes, find solutions to their challenges and bring new hope into their lives.

If you’re struggling to pay your bills, because of financial debt, take a look at the I can’t pay my bills page.

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