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Advice and support from Keep Herefordshire Warm

02 December 2022

Today is Fuel Poverty Awareness Day, and as more households across the county are struggling to pay their energy bills, Herefordshire Council remind residents that there is local support available.

Energy prices have risen by unprecedented levels this year, and for households across Herefordshire the full effects of the crisis are now being felt. In the past, fuel poverty was something that usually affected around 10% of the population, but across the UK this figure is changing dramatically. Official estimates put current fuel poverty numbers in Herefordshire at 23,876 households, which amounts to an unbelievable 28% of all households in the county. This is up from just under 17% before the energy crisis – which was already well above the national average.

With the cost of living rising across the board, it’s not surprising that many people are feeling despondent, stressed and fearful about what the next year will bring. This Fuel Poverty Awareness Day, we want our residents to know that there is support available, and that they don’t have to struggle with their energy alone. Keep Herefordshire Warm is a fuel poverty and energy efficiency advice service funded by Herefordshire Council and run by fuel poverty charity Severn Wye. The service provides a freephone adviceline, tailored 1:1 energy support, and administering grant funding for home energy improvements. They also provide emergency funding for residents who find themselves in a no heat situation.

Herefordshire Council Corporate Director for Community Wellbeing Hilary Hall, has nothing but praise for the scheme,

“Keep Herefordshire Warm provide an essential service to our residents, giving them advice and support when they need it most. They’re experts at what they do, and home energy support has never been as important as it is now. Since the pandemic, the service has supported over 3,000 households and as a Council we’re proud to be offering support like this during the energy crisis.”

If you’re struggling to keep on top of your energy bills or are wondering if you might be eligible for grant funding to make your home more energy efficient, you can call Keep Herefordshire Warm for free on 0800 677 1432. This winter there is funding available for insulation, high heat retention storage heaters and renewable technologies such as solar and air source heat pumps. If your household income is under £30,000 a year, you might be eligible so it’s worth getting in touch with the friendly adviceline team.

Even if you don’t qualify for grant funding, Keep Herefordshire Warm have a wealth of expert advice and support on offer, all for free. Their energy advisors can provide detailed advice on your energy issues, and their team of Energy Advocates offer one-to-one tailored support for people who are really struggling. If your relationship with your supplier has broken down, you’re in substantial debt or are facing disconnection, the Advocacy team can help.

Don’t struggle alone, contact Keep Herefordshire Warm today. Call for free on 0800 677 1432, or visit their website to find out more.

Severn Wye Energy Agency is a non-profit company and registered charity primarily operating throughout Wales and its English border counties, supporting communities, residents and businesses to create a sustainable, affordable, low carbon future. They run the Keep Herefordshire warm scheme, offering energy efficiency advice and fuel poverty support throughout the county.

Facebook: Keep Herefordshire Warm

For more information or to arrange an interview, contact:

James Clarke (Director of Communications, Severn Wye):
Jade Craswell (Home Energy Advice Manager, Severn Wye):

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