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Can I foster and still work?

14 July 2022

One of the most common questions from people considering fostering is whether they will need to give up their job. The simple answer is not necessarily. It all depends on the type of fostering, the age of the looked-after children, their care plan and the circumstances of your household.

There are many different types of fostering which allow for carers to continue working including respite care, emergency placements, supported lodgings and the provision of overnight short breaks for children with disabilities.

For those interested in customary fostering, whether it’s short or long term, there are still options that will allow carers to continue working. Fostering older children provides more leeway to fit around a job, and married or cohabiting couples have scope to share caring responsibilities. As long your social worker is satisfied that your work commitments do not adversely affect your ability to provide excellent care, combining work and fostering is not a problem.

If you would like to know more, please do not hesitate to contact us – we would love to hear from you.

Herefordshire Council Fostering Team 

01432 383 240

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