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Free adult swimming lessons now available in Herefordshire

09 September 2021

People enjoying a class at Ross Swimming Pool, with the message: Free adult swimming lessons

If you’re 16 or over and unable to swim the length of a 25 metre pool, you can now access free swimming lessons at all Halo Leisure pools in Herefordshire.

Learning to swim can be life-transforming, as gaining the skill builds confidence and opens doors to fun in the pool with family and friends.

The free adult swimming lessons form part of a £6million investment through Herefordshire Council’s Covid-19 Recovery Plan*, to encourage activity and improve wellbeing in the county.

The weekly lessons last for 30 minutes each and are available until you can confidently swim 25 metres without stopping.  They’re available at Hereford Leisure Pool, Ledbury Swimming Pool, Leominster Leisure Centre and Ross Swimming Pool.

Alex Haines, Halo Partnership Manager, said: “What most non-swimmers have in common, is the false belief that they’re the only adult who has never learned, or that a past bad experience in the water (way back at school even), will get in the way.

“We see that thinking change every time an adult gets in the pool, realise our instructors understand their anxiety and suddenly feel the thrill of lifting their feet off the bottom and making it to the other side of the pool.  They tell us every time how empowering that is.

“There’s no time limit (or judgement) on how long it takes or how nervous you are.  The lessons are free until you make that first 25 metre length, and we know you will.  In fact, the low-impact nature of swimming makes it the ideal exercise for those who don’t fancy an exercise class or the gym treadmill, but want to stay strong, flexible and fit.  Once they’re swimming, new swimmers don’t want to stop.”

Amy Pitt, Assistant Director for Herefordshire Council’s Talk Community Programme, said: “The impact the pandemic, and the disruption it caused, has had on mental and physical health and wellbeing is becoming clear.  Exercising with others is one of the best ways to help overcome this and we are delighted to work with local social enterprise and registered charity, Halo Leisure, to fund this wonderful initiative that is all about getting more people more active and improving wellbeing.”

To find out more, visit the Halo Leisure website or to book your free space, call 01432 842075 or pop into your local pool.

This scheme is being funded by the Government’s Contain Outbreak Management Fund, as part of Herefordshire Council’s Covid-19 Recovery Plan, supporting economic recovery and improving wellbeing in Herefordshire.

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