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Spring blooms a new hub in Ledbury

29 April 2022

Ledbury Parent Hub

A massive warm welcome to the newest Talk Community hub, The Ledbury Parent hub, with Dream Your Future Families in Ledbury.

This fantastic venue, based at Ledbury Children’s Centre, open their hub doors on Thursdays from 10am to 12pm during term time.

We caught up with the team on opening day, who said:

“As a Talk Community Hub we’re here to offer a welcoming space for parents to be supported with the joys and challenges of parenting. We’re launching ‘Little Pickles Performing Arts for Exploring Big Emotions’, stories and role play sessions for children and parents, as part of our hub sessions.  There’s also support from our counsellor and mindfulness expert, an opportunity to chat and help to access information to connect you to activities, events and services in your local area and across the county.”

Find out more about all of our hubs

Ledbury Children’s Centre is also home to a range of other activities and services for families and children and you can stay up to date through the Herefordshire Children’s Centre’s Facebook page.

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