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Speech, language and communication development for under fives

A photo of a toddler walking with his parents

Information for parents and carers

This handy toolkit is designed to help you, as parents and carers*, to support your child’s development of language and communication skills.  It also offers advice and guidance, if you are concerned about your child’s speech and language development.

In this toolkit, you’ll find…

1)  General information about speech, language and communication

2)  What you can do to support your child

3)  Activities and ideas to support your child’s language development

4)  What’s available in Herefordshire

5)  What to do if you are worried about your child’s speech, language and communication

6)  My child has a diagnosis.  What does this mean for their speech, language and communication?

               •  Developmental Language Disorder
               •  Stammering
               •  Selective mutism
               •  Autism
               •  Hearing impairments
               •  Glue ear
               •  Down’s syndrome

7)  Information for parents who speak English as an additional language

Don’t forget…
Look out for the top tips on every page.  Alternatively, you can download them altogether, in a handy top tips factsheet.

*  Please note:  Within this section, when we refer to parents and carers, it also includes family members and partners, of any gender, who help support a child’s development.

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