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Starting a new school

Starting school or moving to a new school is an exciting time for children and their families, although it can also be an emotional time, as parents worry whether or not their child will be happy and make friends.

There’s definitely a lot to think about, but with a little preparation and extra encouragement for your child, it'll be easier for everyone to cope.  It’s important to remember that most children are very adaptable and will fit in and make new friends and routines reasonably easily.
Don’t forget, you can always talk to your school in advance and arrange a visit (a lot of schools hold open days), as this can be a good way of introducing your child to the school and settling any nerves.  It’ll also enable you to find out if the school offer a buddy or mentoring system, to help new pupils when they start school.

Local support

Herefordshire Council: Term dates, admissions, transport, free school meals and attendance / absence

National support

There’s a lot of great advice available to help make starting a new school a little less daunting and to give your child's confidence a boost:
BBC Newsround: What to expect when you start secondary / high school
BBC Own It: Back to school

CBBC Lifebabble: 10 tips for surviving a new school
Childline: Going back to school
Family Lives: Starting primary school
NHS: Your child's first day at school

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