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G.V. Fitness Centre

The G.V. Fitness Centre provides inclusive fitness opportunities for everyone living in or around the Golden Valley, irrespective of ability.

At the heart of the area, we aim to attract people of all ages and abilities to exercise on a regular basis and benefit from improved health, wellbeing and social connectivity.

The centre, which is run by local award-winning social enterprise C.A.R.E. (Herefordshire) CIC, is located next to the Post Office and has ample free parking. All profits will go to support C.A.R.E.'s wider work with older people in the local community.

Our facilities feature a full suite of brand new fitness equipment, including CV, resistance and free weights areas, as well as a fantastic functional training area that doubles up as a group exercise studio.

We have a wide range of classes and exercise options available so whatever your interests, age, ability or fitness level we have something that will fit our needs, including chair exercises.

Expect to see small group sizes in our classes and plenty of skilled help and support in the gym, to ensure you feel welcome and successfully reach your goals. 

Our opening hours are:

Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 6am to 8pm

Tuesday and Friday: 7am to 8pm

Saturday and Sunday: 8am to 12pm

We also offer a free 7 day trial. If you would then like to join us, you can choose to pay as you go or there are annual and monthly, committed and uncommitted membership options available. A £15 joining fee covers the mandatory health induction. 

If you'd like to come and look around, we suggest contacting us first, to ensure that one of our fabulous instructors is free to meet you when you want to visit. Contact us through a Facebook message, or by calling 01981 2403203 or by email 

To find out more and keep up to date, follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

The GV Fitness Centre is proud to be part of C.A.R.E. (Herefordshire) CIC.

Additional information

Provided by: C.A.R.E. (Herefordshire) CIC
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