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Ross Good Neighbours

Ross Good Neighbours offers practical help to households in Ross and surrounding areas, particularly for those who are self-isolating or are unable to get out. Our community helpline - 01989 313002 - is available every Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm or you can leave a message 24/7 and a friendly volunteer will call you back as soon as they can.

Our network of Neighbourhood Buddies are able to assist with services such as:

  • Shopping: Delivering groceries and other essentials to your front door twice a week.
  • Ross Recycling Centre: If you are unable to get online or use the internet, the volunteer team can help to book appointments for you and get a printed pass for the tip.
  • Ordering library books and garden waste green bags: For those who cannot access the internet, our volunteers can assist you with ordering both.
  • Pets: If you are unable to look after pets as usual, for example, taking your dog on short walks or to the vet, our volunteers will be able to assist.
  • Community oximeter library: At the request of local GPs, 20 oximeters have been purchased and are available on loan from 8 locations in the town and surrounding parishes, so that doctors can have information about oxygen levels during telephone consultations.

Our network of volunteers, or Neighbourhood Buddies, are able to respond to requests for help or refer specialised requests to our voluntary sector and statutory partners. Just call the helpline on 01989 313002 or email, if you require assistance or if you have any questions. 

Talk Community Hub

Ross Good Neighbours is also part of a network of Talk Community Hubs across Herefordshire. Our hub is currently accessible for services, support, information and signposting via our helpline. Call 01989 313002, select option 2 and leave a message so a volunteer can call you back. Our volunteers work Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, but you can leave a message 24/7.

Additional information

Provided by: Ross-on-Wye Community Development Trust
If you notice an error in this listing or require a change, please contact us.

Disclaimer: Talk Community Directory has only carried out limited checks on the information providers submit to the website, for example to confirm it's in the appropriate format and all required fields have been completed. Therefore it isn't in a position to know if providers are qualified, licensed or able to meet the needs of individuals, it is the responsibility of each individual to assess if a provider is suitable. Whilst we regularly review our content to try and ensure it is accurate and up to date, we can't guarantee that the information supplied by providers is always current. View full disclaimer