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Growing Local is Going Local

Growing Local offers support and gardening activities to all age groups.

We encourage and educate communities to grow and eat local food, working with many local schools and community organisations to raise awareness of local, seasonal food, and improve health in the community by encouraging ‘cooking from scratch’ and ‘grow your own’.

Can you cook or garden? Then do get in touch with our educational officer, Louisa Foti, on 07902 802982 as we regularly need volunteers to help with our schools Gardening, Cookery & Harvesting workshop programme. We always welcome new volunteers!

You can find out more about our Tuesday Cook Club, our free, fun sessions for those who are registered unemployed. A great opportunity to gain new cookery skills, cooking tasty budget-friendly dinners together.

We send out a regular email "News Shoots" newsletter, which you can subscribe to receive, bringing you our latest gardening, food, education and community news.

See our website for further information. 

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Provided by: Growing Local is Going Local Opening times: Any
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