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Safe Haven

Safe Haven is open every evening from 5pm to 10pm

01432 372407  •

If you find yourself in crisis or need urgent support with your mental health, our Safe Haven is a safe and friendly place for you to come and access free mental health support and advice.  The service is open to anyone over the age of 18.

The Safe Haven Team are warm and welcoming and will provide empathy, support and safety to anyone experiencing high emotional distress and / or suicidal thoughts.  They can offer you a respectful listening ear and explore different coping strategies, along with referring / directing you to further services, if you need them.

We are also open for face to face 1-2-1 support and can also offer a small social space.  If you'd like to receive this support and / or visit our social space, you must book an appointment, due to Covid-19 measures.

To find out more about Safe Haven, including how to access it, please visit our website.

Additional information

Provided by: Herefordshire Mind Opening times: 5pm to 10pm Cost: Free
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