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Getting around


Sometimes you need help to get out and about.  Here are some ideas...



Walking is good for you and doesn't cost anything. 

If you need to walk somewhere quite often, you could ask someone you trust to help you, until you get used to walking the route on your own.


Help to travel on your own

You can go on a course to learn how to use buses, taxis and trains.  If you are able to travel on your own, it will help you get out and about more. 

Find out more on the independent travel training page.


Community transport

Community transport can help you get from your house to where you need to go to.

The drivers are volunteers, who have been checked and can help people in wheelchairs and scooters. 


If you want to use community transport, you have to plan ahead and book your journey.

There is a charge for the journey, but it is usually much cheaper than a taxi.



Buses are a great way of getting around.  

You will need to plan your journey and know where you want to go, the bus number, bus time and where to catch it.

You can find this out by looking at bus timetables on the Traveline website.


Some people with disabilities can get cheaper bus fares.  These are called concessions.

You can find out about concessions and bus passes on Herefordshire Council's website


Most buses can take wheelchairs, but mobility scooters can be a bit more tricky.

Find out if you can travel on the bus, by ringing the bus company before you travel.  Find the bus company's telephone number on Herefordshire Council's website.


If you have a disability, you might be able to get help to travel to school or college on the bus.

You can find this out by looking at Herefordshire Council's website.



Trains can help you get out and about too.  They are great for exploring places away from Herefordshire.

You can find out more about train travel on Herefordshire Council's website.


Plan your journey

Train staff can help you plan your journey and buy your tickets. 

They can also help you plan a route, that lets you take your wheelchair. 

You can plan your train journey through National Rail Enquiries or Trainline

If you go on the train a lot, you might be able to buy a card that saves you money.  Find out by looking at the Railcard website.


Find a Safe Place

If you ever feel scared or upset when you are out and about, you can go to a Safe Place and they will help you. 

You can find a Safe Place by looking for the yellow sticker on the window or door. 

Find out more by looking at the Safe Places Scheme page.

Disclaimer: Talk Community Directory has only carried out limited checks on the information providers submit to the website, for example to confirm it's in the appropriate format and all required fields have been completed. Therefore it isn't in a position to know if providers are qualified, licensed or able to meet the needs of individuals, it is the responsibility of each individual to assess if a provider is suitable. Whilst we regularly review our content to try and ensure it is accurate and up to date, we can't guarantee that the information supplied by providers is always current. View full disclaimer