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Major adaptations to your home

If you, or someone living in your property, is disabled, you may qualify for a Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG), which can be used to help provide adaptations and facilities to enable you to continue living in your home. 

DFG is a means tested government grant for adaptations that cost £1,000 or more, which are needed to give you access to essential facilities in or around your home. These may include, for example, a level access shower, stairlift, specialist toilet or access ramp to your property.

If you live in a privately owned or privately rented property and need assistance to fund this type of adaptation, you may be able to apply for a Disabled Facilities Grant. 

If you live in a property owned by a housing association or registered provider, the process for requesting a major adaptation is the same as a DFG application, but you will not be means tested. 

Please note: In all cases, full permission from the property owner is required before any adaptations can be undertaken. 

The Disabled Facilities Grant is administered by Herefordshire Council’s 'You at Home' Home Improvement Agency. 

When you apply for a DFG, the council will normally consult an occupational therapist to check the work is 'necessary and appropriate' to meet the disabled person’s needs, in accordance with government legislation. In addition, the Home Improvement Agency surveyors will need to ensure that the work is 'reasonable and practicable'. 

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