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Minor adaptations to your home

A minor adaptation is a fixed item that is used for the purpose of assisting a disabled person with daily living activities. Common examples are grab rails, an additional stair rail or small ramps or half steps.   

If you know what adaptations you need and just want someone to help you provide and fit an item, you can request assistance with this by contacting Herefordshire Council’s Handyperson Scheme. An hourly charge plus cost of materials will apply.   

If you live in privately rented or privately owned property, and don’t know what may help you or feel that you need assistance in funding a minor adaptation, the council may be able to assist you with the provision of these items if you meet certain eligibility criteria. Details of the Care Act eligibility criteria can be found on Herefordshire council’s website

If you think that you meet the eligibility criteria or if you just want some advice about what might help you with the difficulties you are having, you can talk to the occupational therapy team at the council and request advice or an assessment.

You can request an occupational therapy assessment from Herefordshire Council by calling 01432 260101.

If you live in a Housing Association or Registered Provider property, your housing association or registered provider may provide minor adaptations for you free of charge if the adaptation costs are under a certain amount - check with them first to see if they are able to do this.

If they will not provide the adaptation directly for you, or if you don’t know what is needed, they may suggest that you have an occupational therapy assessment to determine what would be suitable for you and whether or not you have a significant need for the adaptations – visit Herefordshire Council’s website for details of the Care Act eligibility criteria.

If you do meet the eligibility criteria, an occupational therapist, following an assessment of your needs, may be able to request the adaptation free of charge from your housing provider.

You can request an occupational therapy assessment from the council by calling 01432 260101.


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