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Safeguarding adults

Older man photo

Safeguarding adults is about protecting those at risk of harm through abuse or neglect, which can occur at any time in any location, such as in the home, a public place, hospital, a care home or at college.  You may not know the person who is causing you harm, but it's more likely that they will be known to you.

Abuse and neglect can come in many different forms, including physical, sexual and financial and it's important to recognise some of the potential signs...

Physical abuse

  • Being pushed, kicked, bitten, slapped, hit or punched
  • Being burnt, choked or held down
  • Things being thrown by the other person

Emotional abuse

  • Being belittled or put down
  • You're blamed for the abuse or arguments, whilst the other person denies it's happening or plays it down
  • They isolate you from family and friends or stop you going out or to work or college
  • They tell you what to wear, who to see, where to go and what to think

Sexual abuse

  • Being touched in a way you don’t want to be 
  • Hurting you during sex or pressuring you into unsafe sex
  • Making unwanted sexual demands or forcing you to have sex when you don’t want to, which is rape

Financial abuse

  • Controlling your money or not giving you enough to buy food and other essential items
  • Not allowing you to work, so you have no independent income
  • Obtaining credit cards in your name, without your permission 

Please note...This is not an exhaustive list of signs, there may be others to look out for too.  To find out more about adult abuse and neglect, visit the Herefordshire Safeguarding Adults Board website

Abuse or neglect of any description is wrong, whether it's intentional or not, and by reporting it, you can help put a stop to it.

Report a concern 

If you believe an adult is being abused or neglected or is potentially at risk, please contact Herefordshire Council's Adult Safeguarding Team: 

In an emergency

If someone is injured or in immediate danger, always call 999.

If it's not an emergency, but you believe a crime may have been committed, call West Mercia Police on 101.

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