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Safeguarding children

There are many possible signs of abuse and neglect, ranging from physical injury to changes in appearance or behaviour.  Alternatively, you may witness an incident or a child may tell you that he or she is being harmed. If you are worried, please report it. You could help to save a child's life, even if you don't know them, or even their name. Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility. 

In an emergency or if someone is in immediate danger, always call 999. 

If you think that a child has been harmed or is being neglected, contact the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub on 01432 260800 or call the Police on 101. 

Childline - talk in confidence

If you are a child or young person and would like to talk to someone in confidence, you can call Childline on 0800 1111 even if you don't have any credit and it won't show on your phone bill.

When you call Childline, you'll go through to a switchboard where someone friendly will ask if you want to speak to a counsellor. You can also go to the Childline website to log in for a 1-2-1 counsellor chat (you might wait a little while before being connected with a counsellor). Or you can send Childline an email from your Childline locker

You can find more information about types of abuse, what happens when you report abuse, and the work being done by social care services and other professionals to protect children in Herefordshire on the Herefordshire Safeguarding Children Board website.

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