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Be prepared in case of an emergency

A photo of an emergency exit sign

For most people, emergency situations such as fires or flooding will never happen, but it always pays to be prepared, so you can get help quickly and safely in case an emergency does arise.

Top tips to help you be prepared 

  • Have a family plan in place, so if something happens, you all know where to meet or which person to contact to let them know you’re okay.  You can also set up a family group on an instant messaging platform.

  • Create a list of numbers you’d need in an emergency, including local services and loved ones, and ensure they’re written down too, in case you can’t use your mobile.

  • Save the number of a family member, friend or neighbour on your phone or somewhere obvious, who can be contacted on your behalf in case of an emergency.  If you save the number under 'ICE' (In Case of Emergency), this is where emergency services will look for it.

  • Have a bag or an emergency kit packed with some essential items, such as a torch, spare keys, medication, important documents and phone numbers, so if you need to leave your house in a hurry, you’ll quickly have the things you need to hand.  It’s always good to have a bag in your car too, especially in winter, which contains a torch, blanket, water, map, ice scraper, jump leads and a first aid kit.

  • If you’re nervous about going out, especially on your own, in case you have a fall or need help, there are a number of great devices you can use, which will alert a family member or carer if you need them.  Take a look at our falls prevention and assistive technology sections for more information.

  • There are 137 parish councils in Herefordshire, some of which have a Good Neighbour Scheme, which can be useful if you need help.  Find your parish council on Herefordshire Council's website


Local support

Herefordshire Council has some really useful information to help you prepare for flooding in the county, including where to get sandbags and how to report a flood.

National support 

Age UK offer a free Lifebook booklet, where you write all of your important and useful information about your life, from where you keep your bank statements to who insures your car.  It not only helps you be more organised, but could also be invaluable to a family member or friend, if they need to find important information about you in an emergency.

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