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E-learning courses

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If you’d like to learn more about falls prevention, especially if you currently work or want to work in the health and social care sector, there are a number of e-learning courses available.

Free Courses in England offer a free six week Falls Prevention Awareness course, which gives you a Level 2 Certificate and increases your awareness and understanding of the impact and consequences of a fall and how to prevent them.

North Warwickshire & South Leicestershire College offer a Level 2 Falls Prevention Awareness course for those working in the health or social care sector.  The course covers the impact and consequences of a fall, contributing risks and hazards and how to reduce the risk of falls.

The Skills Network offer a flexible, online Falls Prevention Awareness course, primarily aimed at those in the health and social care sector, which leads to a Level 2 Certificate.  It aims to raise awareness about the impact and consequences of a fall, the risks and hazards and how to prevent or reduce the risk of a fall.

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