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Staying safe in your home

A kitchen with white cupboards and a wooden dining table

It is estimated that six out of ten falls happen in the home or garden.  There are a number of simple changes you can make in and around your home, to help prevent falls.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help in your home or garden from family, friends or neighbours, especially if you find it difficult to move or lift heavy items or if you struggle with day to day tasks, like cleaning.

Living areas

  • Make sure any unnecessary clutter, especially in the hall, landing and doorways, is safely cleared away, otherwise it’s a major trip hazard.

  • Ensure all rugs have a non-slip mat underneath them and replace them if they’re worn or frayed.

  • If you have frayed or loose carpets, consider replacing them or asking someone to securely tack them down for you, so you’re less likely to trip.

  • Keep all cables and wires tidied away.  You could consider buying a cable tidy box, to help organise and store jumbled wires, especially near the TV, radio or computer.

  • Don’t keep any items on your stairs, ensure everything is tidied away and correctly stored.

  • If you have a pet, they can easily get under your feet, especially if you’re carrying something and don’t notice them.  Why not buy them a bright collar or a bell, so you know exactly where they are.

Kitchen and bathroom

  • If you’re struggling to reach things in your cupboards or cabinets, move things around, so frequently used items, are easier to reach.

  • Ensure any spillages are mopped up straight away to prevent wet, slippery floors.

  • Always use a non-slip mat in the bath or shower and consider installing grab rails in the bathroom for additional safety.


  • Keep your paths free of moss, leaves and snow / ice in the winter.  Ensure any cracks or uneven spots are safely repaired.

  • Ensure your doors, garage and garden are well lit, to help you safely get around, especially at night and in the winter.

  • If you have steps into your home or garden, consider installing safety rails to help you feel more confident going in and out.


  • Make sure your light bulbs are giving off enough light, to help you safely get around your home.

  • Don’t walk around your home in the dark, especially if you’re getting up at night to go to the toilet.  Turn your bedside light on, keep a landing light on or even consider using a torch, if that’s easier.

  • If you have free standing lamps, make sure the wires are safely tucked away, so you don’t trip over them.

  • If you don’t already have them, consider installing two way switches on your stairs and landings.  You can even have a smoke alarm wired in at the same time, for extra fire safety in the home.

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