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Bereavement support

When someone close to you dies, grief can express itself in many different ways.  Anger, depression, fear, relief and a feeling of hopelessness are all common and people can often experience all of them at various stages.  It's important to note that each person's grief will be unique to them.

Grief is a natural reaction which allows us to begin to come to terms with our loss and adjust to the changes it brings to our lives.  Family and friends can provide much needed support, but if you don't live near them or perhaps aren't close or don't get on, this can make things feel worse.  There are different groups and organisations, both locally and nationally, that you can turn to for additional support and you may find it easier to talk to someone who doesn't share your grief, but may have experienced something similar themselves.

While you are grieving, it's important to still try and look after yourself, as much as possible.  You may find you suffer from tiredness, insomnia, nausea or aches and pains, so eating and sleeping well, exercising and relaxing can all help.  Whilst these are all normal symptoms of grief, they should get better over time, but if they don't or you're finding it hard to cope, make an appointment to see your doctor.

Local support

Cruse Bereavement Care Herefordshire offer face to face support to help bereaved people, along with training for those who may encounter people who are affected by bereavement in the course of their work.

     ➡ 01432 359469

The Diocese of Hereford can provide contact details for your local church or faith group.

     ➡ 01432 373300

Healthy Minds is a free and confidential service, run by Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust, which can help if you're feeling stressed, anxious or depressed.

     ➡ 01432 347606

Herefordshire Samaritans offer a telephone and drop in service, if you’re struggling and need help.

     ➡ 116 123 / 0330 094 5717 (local call charges apply)

Marches Counselling Service offer affordable, professional counselling and psychotherapy services, both in person and remotely, for adults aged 18 and over, who experience longer term emotional complications following a bereavement.

     ➡ 01432 279906 ●

St Michael's Hospice offer information, advice, support and counselling for those who have been bereaved, along with a number of informal social friends groups across the county. 

     ➡ 01432 851000

Victim Support have a Bereaved by Suicide service for Herefordshire.  Anyone bereaved by suicide at any point can access the free, confidential service, which offers bereavement support, practical and emotional support and relevant signposting.  Available to residents of Herefordshire of any age.

➡ 01432 800867 ● - call the local number on Monday, Tuesday and Friday between 9am and 5pm. 

08 08 16 89 111 - out of hours support available, any time. 


National support

AtaLoss is the UK's bereavement signposting website, helping bereaved people find support and wellbeing.

British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy can support you to find a counsellor in your area using their online register of qualified therapists.

     ➡ 01455 883300

Cruse Bereavement Care offer advice, information and emotional support to anyone affected by bereavement

     ➡ 0808 808 1677

GriefChat provide a safe space for those who are grieving or bereaved to be able to share their story, explore their feelings and be supported by a qualified bereavement counsellor.  The telephone helpline is available Monday to Friday (9am to 9pm).
     ➡ 01524 889823

Samaritans provide support, information and someone to talk to 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

     ➡ 116 123

Sands provide support for anyone who has been affected by the death of a baby, whether recently or a long time ago.

     ➡ 0808 164 3332 ●

Sudden support people who are bereaved by sudden death, along with those who are caring for them.  They provide free information, advice and guidance, along with a telephone helpline Monday to Friday (10am to 3pm).

     ➡ 0800 121 6510

Support After Suicide Partnership is a network of organisations which support people who have been bereaved or affected by suicide.

The Good Grief Trust is run by the bereaved, for the bereaved and offer information and advice to those who have lost a loved one.


The Lullaby Trust offer confidential support to anyone affected by the sudden and unexpected death of a baby or young child.

    ➡ 0808 802 6868 ●

Tommy's offer information and support, including a Facebook Support Group, for anyone who has experienced the loss of a baby, whether through miscarriage, stillbirth, neonatal death or termination for medical reasons.

WAY (Widowed and Young) offer a peer to peer support network for anyone who has lost a partner before their 51st birthday.

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