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Apprenticeships and traineeships

An apprentice and his tutor in a workshop


An apprenticeship combines both practical on the job training with studying.  As an apprentice, you’ll be a full employee earning a wage, working alongside experienced staff to gain job specific skills.  You'll have time for training and studying related to your role, which is usually at least 20% of your normal working hours.

Apprenticeships take between one and five years to complete, depending on their level, which range from GCSE to degree level.

To find out more about being an apprentice, visit the Government's website.

Current vacancies

If you'd like to see available apprenticeship opportunities in Herefordshire, please visit the Apprenticeships website.


A traineeship is a skills development programme, which includes a work placement, lasting for anything from six weeks up to a year, although most tend to last for less than six months.  They're a great way to help young people develop the skills they'll need for an apprenticeship or employment.

To find out more, take a look at the Government's website.

Current vacancies

If you'd like to see traineeship opportunities in Herefordshire, please visit the Find Apprenticeship Service website.

Local information and support

There are a number of local apprenticeship and traineeship providers, who you can contact for further information, advice and opportunities.


National information and support

Apprenticeships is a Government initiative, which offers a wide range of information and advice on apprenticeships, including how they work, are they right for you and how to get started. 

National Careers Service provide information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions about your learning, training and work choices.

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