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Carer's assessment

Older couple on a swing

We know that people often don’t see themselves as a carer, as they’re simply looking after someone they love who is ill, has a disability, a mental health problem or substance addiction.  However, if you help to look after a family member or friend, who couldn’t manage without you, then you’re a carer!

As a carer, it's important to have a carer's assessment, as this will help identify the impact your caring role has on you and your life and what support you may need.  It's not an assessment of how good you are as a carer and neither is it means tested.

The assessment is...

  • A conversation which is focussed on you the carer, your caring situation and your needs

  • The perfect place for you to express your needs and concerns regarding your caring role

  • An opportunity to consider what support might be available within your local community

  • A chance to obtain information and advice, which will assist you in your caring role and help you look after your own health and wellbeing

  • An opportunity for you to be formally recognised as a carer and therefore further supported within your role

If you'd like to arrange a carer's assessment, please contact Herefordshire Council's Advice and Referral Team on 01432 260101 or

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