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Paying for care (adults)

How much you pay towards your care costs depends on whether you are getting support and care in your own home or in a care home.

The decision on how much you pay towards any council funded care or support will be based on a financial assessment carried out by Herefordshire Council. Everyone who is assessed for support and care services by the council will be offered a financial assessment. Visit the council's website for information.

If you prefer not to provide your financial information, or you are paying for the full cost of the services you receive to live independently at home or in a care home, you are known as a self funder.


Following a care assessment by Herefordshire Council they will work with you to draw up and agree a support plan for your care needs. This will include the amount of money the council allocates for your care, called a personal budget.

There are a number of options for how you take your care:

  • You can choose for Herefordshire Council to arrange your care
  • You can take your personal budget as a direct payment and make the arrangements yourself
  • You can use a combination of the above with a social care worker organising some part of the support you need and you taking direct payments and arranging for other parts of your support yourself

For further information visit the council’s section on Paying for care and support at home and their section on Direct payments.



The cost of residential or nursing care varies, often depending on the facilities provided and the amount and type of care you need.

Options for paying for a care home:

  • Herefordshire Council will arrange your care with your chosen residential care home or nursing care home provider
  • If you choose to stay in a care home that costs more than the council would normally pay, a friend or family member can make up the difference in price. This is known as a third party top up or contribution.
  • You can arrange the care and fund it yourself, if you don't need financial support from the council. We call this a self funder.

The amount you have to pay depends on your finances.

If you want the council to arrange a place in a residential home for you and need financial support from them to help pay for it, then the council will help you fill out a financial assessment form to see if you qualify for financial help.

Go to Herefordshire Council’s section on Paying for care in a residential or nursing home for further information.


National information

UK Care Guide has produced a handy graphic, which provides information on 12 ways you can fund your care costs, along with a calculator to estimate the cost of paying for home care or a care home.

Disclaimer: Talk Community Directory has only carried out limited checks on the information providers submit to the website, for example to confirm it's in the appropriate format and all required fields have been completed. Therefore it isn't in a position to know if providers are qualified, licensed or able to meet the needs of individuals, it is the responsibility of each individual to assess if a provider is suitable. Whilst we regularly review our content to try and ensure it is accurate and up to date, we can't guarantee that the information supplied by providers is always current. View full disclaimer