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Where to get legal advice

Law can be a complex matter and dealing with issues and queries can be difficult.

You might be able to get free and confidential advice from Civil Legal Advice (CLA) as part of legal aid if you're in England or Wales. Visit the government's GOV.UK website for more information.

If you do need to find a legal adviser or solicitor go to The Law Society website where you can search for a solicitor in your area. 

If you're not sure whether or not you need a lawyer, the Legal Choices website explains the different advice that is available.

Citizens Advice also provides some useful information about law and courts and the legal system.

Solicitors for the elderly is a national organisation of lawyers, such as solicitors, barristers, and legal executives who provide specialist legal advice for older and vulnerable people, their families and carers. The main areas of law they cover are:

  • Paying for care, NHS continuing care funding
  • Making a will, living wills, wills disputes, probate
  • Powers of attorney, court of protection, elder abuse
  • Tax planning, asset preservation, trusts

If you are living with a disability the Equality and Human Rights Commission offers information about your rights including education, employment, access to services and what the law says. Disability Rights UK is also a useful source of information.

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