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Thank you for registering on the Talk Community Directory.  You’ll be joining our growing family of over 950 local and national organisations, groups and services.

To complete your registration, simply click on the relevant button below...

   Register your organisation, service or group   

Please note:
You will automatically be directed to our Code of Conduct, which needs to be read and agreed to, before your chosen registration page is displayed.

If you already have a Talk Community Directory listing and would like to access it to make any changes, please contact the Talk Community Directory Team directly.

Disclaimer: Talk Community Directory has only carried out limited checks on the information providers submit to the website, for example to confirm it's in the appropriate format and all required fields have been completed. Therefore it isn't in a position to know if providers are qualified, licensed or able to meet the needs of individuals, it is the responsibility of each individual to assess if a provider is suitable. Whilst we regularly review our content to try and ensure it is accurate and up to date, we can't guarantee that the information supplied by providers is always current. View full disclaimer