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Going into and coming out of hospital

If you are expecting a planned stay in hospital there is advice and information available on the NHS website to help you prepare for going into hospital as well as advice about being discharged from hospital

Age UK also provides some useful information on preparing to go into hospital. 

If are worried about who will look after your pet whilst you are in hospital, go to the Pet care section of this website for advice. 

Prior to you being discharged from hospital there will be an opportunity for you identify if you require support before returning home. Please note there may be a charge for this support. Visit Herefordshire Council’s website for details about Paying for care and eligibility

If you require reablement (short term care) support on discharge from hospital this will be arranged for you. 

If you need equipment organised for you for when you leave hospital you may want to contact the council's occupational therapy service, more information is available in the Equipment, adaptations and technology section of this website or you can discuss with your district nurse.

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