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Meal services and lunch clubs

A bowl of tomato soup

There are a number of different organisations across Herefordshire, which provide meal services or lunch clubs.  A meal service means the meal is delivered direct to your door, whilst a lunch club is a social activity held in a local venue, which you would attend.

Meal services

There's a variety of local and national organisations, which will deliver a range of ready made meals to your home.

To find a meal delivery service in your local area, please visit our services and groups directory.  

Lunch clubs

If you'd prefer to get out and about and meet new people, there's a number of fantastic lunch clubs held across the county.  The meals and activities on offer, along with the cost, will vary from club to club, so it's always best to contact them directly for more information. 

To find a lunch club in your local area, please visit our services and groups directory.

If you need assistance with travelling to your local lunch club, please take a look at our community transport page, as there may be a scheme available in your area.

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