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Have you struggled during coronavirus?

17 September 2020

Pebbles balanced on the beach in front of a setting sun

If it's been difficult to find your balance in life during the coronavirus pandemic, there is local help and support available

Marches Counselling Service (MCS) has been awarded funding from the National Lottery Community Fund to help support people in Herefordshire, who have been affected by or are struggling during the coronavirus pandemic.

Counselling can provide a wonderful opportunity to think about how you have reached your present situation and indeed how you might be able to change or better cope going forward.

Jennifer French, Director of MCS, said: “There have been so many ways in which people have been affected during the pandemic.  Some are grieving at a loss that was often totally unexpected, while others have struggled with illness in themselves, family or friends.  Many are facing financial difficulties through job loss or reductions in income, which could be long term.

"We also can’t forget those who work in the NHS and local care settings, who have had the pressures of caring for others who are suffering, often during long shifts, whilst worrying about colleagues.  At the same time, they have had to manage fears that they might become ill themselves or bring illness back to their families.

“The lockdown brought such sudden changes in daily life and being closely confined at home was difficult for everyone.  The concerns and challenges people have faced over the last six months, and continue to face, have led many to feel anxious or depressed, with very natural fears about the future and the continued uncertainty.

“Talking to one of our fully trained counsellors, can often offer some relief from these anxieties and fears, which sometimes link to past difficult experiences.  It’s often the case that talking to someone from outside of your situation, can be easier and more beneficial, which is why we’re delighted to be able to offer a safe space and counselling support to more people across the county”.

The first step is an assessment of 90 minutes, to identify the best way forward.  Thereafter, ongoing sessions are 50 minutes and are available either via video platform, telephone or face to face at Marches Counselling Service’s Covid secure premises on St Owen Street in Hereford.

To find out more about the range of counselling and therapy services offered by MCS, visit or call 01432 279906.

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