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Have your say on the county’s Carers’ Strategy

02 February 2021

A smiling older couple sitting on a swing

Are you an unpaid carer for someone living in Herefordshire?

Herefordshire Council is currently developing a revised Carers’ Strategy, which will consider how the council can improve the experiences and services for unpaid carers across the county.

As a carer for someone living in Herefordshire, your views and experiences are important and will help shape the council’s plans for improving its services now and in the future.

The most important findings from the survey will be included in the revised Carers’ Strategy for Herefordshire, which will be available on the council’s website towards the end of the year.  If you’d like to read the current Carers’ Strategy for Herefordshire 2017 – 2021, please visit Herefordshire Council’s website.

The survey, which takes approximately 10 to 15 minutes to complete, is available until Wednesday 17 February at

If you’re a carer in Herefordshire and need additional support, please take a look at our looking after someone section.

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