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Lets talk autism!

13 April 2023

Herefordshire and Worcestershire Autism Strategy Survey

Herefordshire residents and professionals are invited to have their say on a new all-age autism strategy, due to launch later this year across Herefordshire and Worcestershire.

Autism Partnership Boards from across the two counties want to know what needs to be done to improve the lives of autistic people.

Herefordshire Council and Worcestershire County Council are supporting a joint survey and would like to hear your views .  The survey will look to get the views and experiences from autistic people, families, provider organisations, professionals and everyone in our local communities. 

By completing the survey you will be helping to shape a new Autism Strategy that will help support autistic people in Herefordshire and Worcestershire in their everyday lives. The new All-Age Autism Strategy will be developed in line with the National Autism Strategy.

For more information and to complete the survey, please visit the Herefordshire Autism Partnership webpage There is a space in the survey for you to send in an email, picture, or video if you would prefer to feedback this way.

The survey will close on Sunday 14 May 2023.


poster shows children running with colourful balloons with text 'lets talk autism'


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