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Local eczema group relaunches to help children and families

23 March 2023

Children affected by eczema and their families are being encouraged to come along to a local support group, which has recently been re-launched by a Herefordshire mum. 

Emily Edwards, from Brimfield, whose son was diagnosed with the skin condition at a very young age, set up the group before the Covid-19 pandemic and is now re-launching the face to face meetings for children with eczema and their families. Hilary Havard a paediatric dermatology nurse at Wye Valley NHS Trust, also helps out with the running of the group.  

The group works closely with the National Eczema Society which offers a wide range of information and advice for families.

The group meets on the fourth Thursday of each month, 10am to 12 noon, at the Courtyard Theatre in Hereford as a drop in session, so there’s no need to book.

For more information visit the ‘Herefordshire Eczema Support Group’ Facebook page or call Emily Edwards on 07980 693634.

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