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New funding available for innovative Herefordshire projects

16 April 2021

A pile of colourful folders with a blue Post-it Note stuck to the top, with the words bright ideas change the world written on it

Are you a local education provider, voluntary organisation, community or business group?  The Government is investing up to £3million in new and innovative projects across Herefordshire, which will address local challenges, develop skills and improve employment opportunities.

The county is one of only 100 places across the UK to receive the funding, which is part of the Government’s £220million Community Renewal Fund.

As the county’s designated lead organisation, Herefordshire Council will be responsible for appraising all submissions and submitting a shortlist of applications for Government approval in June.

The deadline for all applications is Sunday 23 May and approved projects will need to be delivered between autumn 2021 and March 2022.

To find out more about the funding, assessment criteria and how to make an application, visit

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