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Stay well this winter ❄❄❄

29 November 2019

A photo of a large frosty tree in the snow

As we head further into winter and the weather starts to turn colder, it’s even more important to look after our health and wellbeing and help those who may be slightly more vulnerable.

Here’s a few top tips to help you and your family stay well this winter…

  • Make sure you have your flu vaccination to protect yourself and others from the serious complications of flu.  It’s free for eligible groups, such as those aged 65 and over, pregnant women or if you have certain medical conditions.

  • Try to keep your home heated to at least 18°C (65°F), especially if you’re older or have a long term health condition.

  • If you start to feel unwell, even if it’s just a cough or a cold, don’t wait until it gets worse and remember you don’t need to go to your GP.  You can get expert help and advice from your local pharmacist.

  • If you take regular medication, don’t forget to pick up any prescriptions you may need, especially before Christmas and New Year, as GP surgeries and pharmacies often close over the holidays.

  • If you need medical advice over the holiday period, when your GP surgery or local pharmacy is closed, simply call NHS 111 or visit  It’s free and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, even over Christmas and New Year!

  • Older relatives, friends and neighbours are more vulnerable in the winter months and may need a bit of extra help, so remember to regularly check on them and make sure they’re safe, well and warm and have enough food and medication, especially before a spell of bad weather.

For more information and top tips to keep you safe and well this winter, visit

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