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The census is coming!

03 March 2021

The census is coming on Sunday 21 March

Census Day may have been Sunday 21 March, but it's not too late to take part.  You have until Tuesday 4 May to complete your survey online.

The census, which is a unique survey that only happens every 10 years, is coming this March.

The census provides an overview of all the people and households in England and Wales and is the most detailed information available about our society.  By taking part in the census, your answers can help inform decisions about services that shape your community, such as healthcare, education and transport.

For the first time, the census will also ask everyone aged 16 or over, if they’ve ever served in the UK armed forces and a voluntary question about sexual orientation and gender identity.

By law, every household needs to complete the census on Sunday 21 March or as close to this date as possible.  The personal information you provide in the census, is protected by law, and will be kept secure for 100 years, so it will only be seen by future generations.

Ahead of Census Day on Sunday 21 March, the Office for National Statistics will send you a letter in the post, which contains your online access code and instructions.  You can complete the census online, as soon as you receive your code, you don’t have to wait until Census Day.

It should only take about 10 minutes to complete the household questions and then 10 minutes for each person.  If you need any support or assistance to complete the census, there are two Census Support Centres in Herefordshire at The Kindle Centre in Hereford and Bishops Frome Village Centre.

To find out more, request a paper version or complete the census, visit

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