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The State of the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Sector in Herefordshire

30 January 2023

This ‘State of the Sector’ research celebrates the incredible contribution made by the 2,300 Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprises (VCSEs) across Herefordshire. 

Independent VCSE organisations, including small, ‘micro’ and volunteer led groups, which make up the majority of the sector in Herefordshire, play vital roles in understanding and meeting local needs, building social capital, promoting social inclusion, driving positive change, developing trust, cooperation and addressing inequalities. The sector contributes greatly to community well-being and resilience, as well as offering individual support to some of the most vulnerable people in society. The sector also provides employment and training opportunities, delivers essential services (such as transport and housing) and brings people together to participate in many social, cultural and recreational activities.

Herefordshire Council, in partnership with hvoss (Herefordshire Voluntary Organisations Support Service) commissioned this research to quantify the immense size, breadth and diversity of the local sector, ensuring that it captured the impact of local and informal community groups which are responsible for many of the activities which go on in all communities across the county.

This research also identifies key needs and challenges that the sector now faces. Reduced levels of funding and resources as well as fewer opportunities to generate income are major issues for the sector.

It is essential that the local VCSE sector is now supported to maximise its value and the broader contribution it makes to the county, whilst safeguarding the unique characteristics that set it apart from other sectors.

Click here to download the full report The State of the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Sector (

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