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Bus travel

Bus travel is an option to consider when planning your journey. Why not visit somewhere new and discover parts of the county you didn't know about, or go shopping somewhere new. Herefordshire Council's website has information on bus travel and timetables across the county.

Some people may be entitled to concessions for bus travel. For instance, when you reach state pension age or if you have a disability, you are entitled to a bus pass. Additional concessions are available in some areas which might allow people with an eligible disability to be accompanied by a companion free of charge, for older people to access free travel before they reach state retirement age or for pass holders to travel during peak hours or on other modes of transport. 

You can use your bus pass to travel free to places all over the county and beyond. More information on bus passes is available on Herefordshire Council's website.

Other bus companies such as National Express also sometimes have concessions on their fares including deals for older people on day trips and mini breaks. Visit their website for further information.

Wheelchairs / mobility scooters

Most buses built since 2000 are wheelchair accessible.  By law, single deck buses must have a ramp and a suitable wheelchair space by 2016, and larger local buses must have the same by 2017.

There is no law requiring buses to carry mobility scooters; it's at the discretion of the bus company.  Many bus companies will assess your scooter and, if it meets their requirements, they'll issue you with a permit allowing you to take your scooter on the bus.  The requirement is usually that it's a 'Class 2' scooter and that it’s no more than 600mm wide and 1,000mm long. Contact your local bus company for information.

To find out more about bus travel, please visit the Bus Users website or the Government's website.

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