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School transport


Transport for 4 to 16 year olds

It can be difficult getting children to and from school, especially in a rural county like Herefordshire, however all parents and carers have a legal responsibility to ensure their child regularly attends school, including making the necessary travel arrangements and covering the associated costs. 

In some cases, Herefordshire Council is legally obligated to provide free school transport and even if you don't qualify for free transport, you may be eligible for the council's Vacant Seat Payment Scheme.

To find out more, visit Herefordshire Council's website

Transport for 16 to 19 year olds

The council may also be able to provide transport assistance to some students attending sixth form or college in Herefordshire, including Barrs Court Hub and Westfield School (years 12, 13 and 14).  

For further details, take a look at Herefordshire Council's website.

Transport for children and young people with special educational needs or mobility problems

You can apply online for help with transport if your child has special educational needs or mobility problems. Find out more and apply on the Council's website.

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