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Sibling with poor mental health

When a child or young person in your family is struggling with their mental health, it can affect the wellbeing of your other children too.  There are things that you can do to help you feel more able to give all the children in your household the care they need.

Top Tips

  • Take time to do things with your children separately so they feel seen and supported.
  • Speak with your child about how they are feeling too. Encourage your child to keep a mood journal to keep track of how they are feeling, as it is sometimes easier to talk about it that way.
  • Find the support you need – for your children and also for yourself. Speak to friends, family and local organisations that can give you a bit of help.

Herefordshire Council's Early Help team provide the right support to children and families, at the right time, to meet a family's needs and achieve positive change that lasts. The Children's Help and Advice Team offer confidential advice to families with a child or children 0-18 years up to 25 years old for those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

The CLD Trust provide counselling and talking therapies to children and young people, aged 9 and above. 

Herefordshire Young and Young Adult Carers CIC   supports young and adult carers and enables them to take a break from their caring roles. 

 Childline offer information and advice for children and young people supporting a family member with a mental health issue.

NHS offer signposting and advice on supporting children and young people with mental health needs. 

Support for Siblings information and support to anyone who has grown up with a sibling who has mental illness.

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