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Solihull Approach parenting

There is no manual on how to be a good parent or how to enjoy parenthood.  We all need a bit of help and encouragement sometimes.  We all want our children to listen and behave but that’s not always easy.  But there are things that can really make a difference.

There are some excellent online programmes for parents, grandparents, parents to be but also for anyone who wants to find out more about children.
There are lots of different ones to choose from. There is an antenatal course, a postnatal course and a course from toddlers to teenagers.  One thing all the courses have in common is understanding how important you are as a mum, dad or carer.

These award winning courses aim to support you in the most difficult job in the world!  We know it works because parents tell us how much more they are enjoying their family life.

Go to and use the free access code APPLEHERE to sign up.  Once you are registered you will have lifetime access and can do as many courses as you want.

If you prefer to do the main course ‘Understanding your child’ with other parents in a group, then email Jo from the Herefordshire Children’s Centre at and you can find out when and where the next one is taking place.

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