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Pontrilas Village Stores and Post Office

We provide a weekly grocery and repeat prescription delivery service, every Thursday to villages within the South Golden Valley area (up to 10 miles from our stores). 

We can deliver household goods, fresh bread, fruit and vegetables and deli products, along with daily newspapers, greeting cards and much more.  

Our free delivery service is available to those who are seeking that 'little bit of help'. We ask that you give us 24 hours’ notice, and there is a minimum grocery order value of £15. 

You can contact us on 01981 240235.


C.A.R.E. (Herefordshire) CIC is a registered Social Enterprise, providing community support services that offer support to residents in Herefordshire, who just ’need that little bit of help’ to continue living independently.


Additional information

Provided by: C.A.R.E. Herefordshire CIC Opening times: 9am to 5pm
Dementia friendly
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